Base Organic Product

All our products are based on our natural seaweed extract, manufactured from fresh seaweed with the use of no chemicals. This extract is ideal for application in organic agriculture and horticulture. Extensive European trials under the EU ECLAIR initiative demonstrated particular success in increasing yield and quality in cereals such as winter wheat and barley, as well as in a wide range of vegetables, root crops, and pasture grassland.
Although the base organic product is widely used by commercial growers, greenkeepers, and gardeners, we have produced a range of products for different applications.
Commercial Grower Products

From the base organic product to formulations with specific supplements to meet different crop requirements, including hydroponic feed systems where the key role is enhancing root development and mineral uptake.
Amenity / Turf Products

The general turf formulation is designed to promote strong root growth, thereby providing sward strength and recovery powers; whilst ‘plus’ products are supplemented with nutrients to ensure an extra strong and rich greensward – and meet differing seasonal needs.
Leisure Garden Products

These include the natural seaweed extract, along with other formulations to encourage the healthy growth of all forms of the garden or greenhouse fruit, vegetables and flowers – and that important lawn.
Specialty Product Development
With suitable volume sales, special formulations may be produced to client needs.