SimplySeaweed products should be diluted with water and normally applied either by watering-can or foliar spray. If being used along with other feeds, the straight organic product will provide a growth-promoting function, rather like providing vitamins. However, if you have a larger garden you may want to gain maximum benefit by using our Seapower Plus range of commercial products (for flowers and vegetables or for your lawns).

Watering around a plant ensures that it is taken up by the roots and some are consumed by micro-organisms living in the soil adjacent to the root (creating an environment that encourages healthy root growth). Spraying ensures that each plant is given a fair share of the biostimulants and nutrients, which are taken up by the leaves where they are used or transported to where they are needed. The key target for all plants is to deliver a dilution of 1 volume of SimplySeaweed in 50 volumes water to the leaf surface and/or growing root.

For spraying apply at 1 in 50 dilution – i.e. 20ml of SimplySeaweed in 1 liter of water; 100 ml in 4.5 liters (1 gallon). Also, when using a watering-can, again apply at 1 in 50-100 dilution, remembering to apply ample volume if the soil is dry.

For most plants apply SimplySeaweed at 3-4 week intervals throughout the growing season. It should be applied at weekly intervals following planting of seedlings/young plants and to both cuttings and compost if used to help establish cuttings. In establishing new plants, especially more woody perennials or shrubs it is helpful to stand the plant in a bucket containing the diluted extract.

For lawns, if being used with other lawn feeds, dilute 100ml SimplySeaweed in 4.5 liters (1 gallon) water and apply over 10 square meters of lawn. However, if you have large areas of lawn we strongly recommend using the commercial product – Seapower Special-NK (available in units of 5 liters upwards), especially if the lawn is needing attention, such as after periods of drought or heavy use.

If it is planned to use SimplySeaweed in hydroponic/irrigation systems, the application should be at around a dilution of 1 in 200, mixed into the feed tank each week (but details depend on the system used, so you may want to seek further advice).

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