Reviews & Product Trials

Have the products been put through scientific/grower trials and what were the results?

Yes – during their development, under a major European R&D program (ECLAIR) extensive field trials where undertaken by organic growers in the UK and Ireland. The results of that program are published (and summarised in this website) but it is worth quoting a leading organic expert (under organic/Demeter conditions). He stated that -” 17 separate trials were completed and results are very encouraging with respect to yield, and to some extent protein increases where particularly winter wheat, spring barley, and potatoes were concerned…it also appears that organic and biodynamic farms are capable of achieving more consistent yield benefits than conventional farms “.

With trials on glasshouse crops, an independent advisor to commercial growers (during trials of our product) commented:

” the spray trials with anaemic Camellias provided spectacular results – I have taken several photographs…”

” I was sent in blind to the glasshouses to identify effects of seaweed treatment – two tomato houses and one strawberry – in all cases I easily identified the positive effects – grower is enthusiastic “

” the tests with tomatoes in Somerset clearly show benefits from the base product…greener, lusher, healthier plants.

“Secret independent trials” were undertaken by the BBC Gardeners QuestionTime team, ahead of its visit to Orkney , when they reported very ‘exciting’ results (see FAQ item)”

Environmental Friendliness

After comments on BBC (Gardeners Question Time) and in the gardening press there has been considerable interest expressed about the ‘green’ properties of our product.

The base product is:

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